While you're airborne, use the arrow keys (or a joystick, if you have one) to fly your helicopter.
The default keyboard controls for flying your helicopter are:
Start and raise your helicopter
Move forward
Up Arrow
Turn left
Left Arrow
Turn right
Right Arrow
Back up
Down Arrow
Fly left without turning (Slide left)
Fly right without turning (Slide right)
Lower and land your helicopter
Leave/exit your helicopter
Fly around for a while.
Your world "wraps around" around. The city occupies a quarter of the world. The rest is wilderness. Pay attention to the terrain. You'll crash into hills if you're not high enough.
Note: If you fly too high, clouds and fog will obscure your view.
You can put this flying time to good use trying some things you'll be expected to do in the game. Hover between buildings or try landing on a hospital, fire or police station. Note the medics and cops on certain roofs.
No room for error here
You'll be expected to rescue Sims from run-away trains, so try keeping up with a train as it winds through the city.
Keep up with the train.
You can even fly under bridges. It's not required, but it's lots of fun and not against city regulations... yet.
For pros only!