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Sims are subject to overturned boats, burning buildings and runaway trains -- things you wouldn't even wish on a Congressman.

A line on your city map extends from you to the Sims in need, and you'll receive a dispatch message. A rescue icon will appear on your city map for each additional rescue.

Rescue reported

Use your harness to rescue Sims and bring them into your helicopter, then fly them to a place of safety. Only one Sim at a time can use your harness.

Your bonus and points are awarded on a "per Sim" basis. Where you must take Sims for payment depends on their injuries:

Injured Sims must be taken to a hospital roof for full bonus and points.

Healthy Sims can be taken to any safe area in the city for full payment.

When you land, healthy sims, cops and medics will automatically leave your copter. Use your cursor to drag injured Sims from your helicopter.

There is a chance that injuries can worsen with time, and Sims can eventually die. A medic will slow but not prevent this deterioration.

To get a medic, land on the roof of any hospital. Medics charge a nominal fee when they enter your helicopter. You need not return the medic to the hospital where you got him or her. If you don't want a medic, leave the roof before the medic enters your copter.

If you were too slow and someone got on, you can drag them from your copter before you take off.

A pilot's work is never done.